Objectives profiles
The specific goals of the project are:
- Achieve better soil management in the vineyard to decrease erosion and run-off, and to increase soil health and biodiversity

Fig. 1 - Erosion in vineyard
- Develop an innovative Decision tool for achieving better soil management able to guide farmers in:
i) defining their specific soil and environmentally related problem(s)
ii) selecting the best management solution(s)
iii) implementing them in their vineyards
iv) self-evaluating the results after implementation of the solution(s)
- Test the Decision tool in vineyards to understand its strengths and weaknesses, assessing the benefits rising from the use of the Decision tool by collecting specific information/data and farmer’s feedbacks, and finally demonstrate to farmers its usability and the advantages rising from its use
- Determine:
i) social, economic and environmental constrains of the proposed innovation
ii) soil ecosystem services in the study area and their improvements ensured by the proposed solutions; and use this information to designing innovative soil conservation policies based on PES (Payment of Ecosystem Services)
- Promote a new participatory and promotional approach for stakeholder involvement and better knowledge transfer. Three panels of stakeholders: the “demo farmers” involved in Objective 3; the “living labs” include “external testers” to provide feedback about the Decision tool; the “exploitation” group include main stakeholders of the wine value chain to foster the future exploitation of the project results